International Living Future Institute

The International Living Future Institute is a hub for visionary programs. We administer the Living Building Challenge™, the built environment's most rigorous and ambitious performance standard. We are the parent organization for Cascadia Green Building Council, a chapter of both the United States and Canada Green Building Councils that serves Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. We are also home to Ecotone Publishing, a unique publishing house dedicated to telling the story of the green building movement's pioneering thinkers and practitioners.

Sword & Plough

Sword & Plough is a socially conscious fashion brand that works with American manufacturers who employ veterans. The company recycles military surplus, incorporates that fabric into stylish bags and donates 10% of profits back to veteran organizations.


PaperKarma allows you to take photos of the junk mail you wish to stop. Snap a photo, and you're done. We automatically contact the Mailer and remove you from their distribution list. PaperKarma can stop most junk mail that is addressed directly to you.


UPSTREAM is a national environmental organization dedicated to creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable society by addressing the root causes of waste. Our mission is to organize for product-focused environmental policies that advance sustainable production and consumption, and good governance. Our vision is to ensure that products are designed with sustainable materials and continuously reused or recycled into the products of tomorrow, creating jobs, business opportunities, and a healthy environment.

B Lab

Certified B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

Sustainable Friends

Sustainable Friends is a non-profit space where you can share information, ideas and change making to inspire people committed to environment. It is free to sign up, to add an initiative and to contribute to a initiative.This is possible because contributors offer support, resources or contribute economically directly to the author.

Center for Ecoliteracy

The Center for Ecoliteracy is a leader in the green schooling movement. Smart by Nature™, the Center’s framework and services for schooling for sustainability, is based on two decades of work with schools and organizations in more than 400 communities across the United States and numerous other countries.


We’re an environmental charity. We make environmental matters matter, creating fun campaigns, that people latch onto and which go on to have a life of their own. Our approach is positive. We believe sustainability can and should be fun, enjoyable and sociable and so engage people through campaigns around food, fashion, sport, homes and neighbourhoods.

Little Sun

Little Sun is a social business and global project addressing the need for light in a sustainable way that benefits communities without electricity, creates local jobs, and generates local profits.

Carbon 3R Sustainable Lifestyle App

Sustainable lifestyle tips and how we can be a blessing to the Planet. ‘Carbon 3R’ is all about simple practices and principles to further sustainability awareness and initiatives at home, work and community. Adapting to a greener lifestyle is worth it for all kinds of reasons and it’s the day-to-day actions, and the habits we cultivate, that matter most.

The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN)

The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) is an international network of buyers dedicated to socially responsible and environmentally sustainable purchasing.

Sustainable Cities International

Founded in 1993, Sustainable Cities International is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Vancouver, Canada. Our mission is to co-create with cities around the world, to catalyze action on urban sustainability. We are a think-tank and a do-tank!

Wheely's Cafe

World's smallest and sustainable cafe on wheels. 

Get Lazy

Get Lazy sells vegan, fair-trade sweatpants and hoodies made from 100% organic cotton. Our motto is “Be good to yourself and you will do greater for others” and we believe in sustainability, ethics and transparency. Since 2016, Get Lazy has begun producing locally in Germany, and provides refugees with a secure job, as well as fair wages. 

Global Inheritance

Born in 2002, Global Inheritance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that develops creative, cause-based campaigns to educate individuals about issues that affect us globally. Our unique programs focus on the power of interactivity to communicate ideas that push for progressive social change by empowering millions of individuals at festivals, events, workplaces and schools throughout the world.
By employing technology, the arts, and experiential learning, Global Inheritance reinvents activism by inspiring people from every walk of life to act responsibly and become forward-thinking leaders within their community.